It was Monday, Dec. 24, 2007, the day before Christmas, when Addition Knowledge House made its first registration with the Chamber of Commerce. Although the sun was not shining that day and the temperature hovered around zero degrees, Addition Knowledge House was founded by the then KASBANK NV and Addition Group BV.
The objective was simple, to take over Adabas Natural expertise from KAS BANK and provide Microsoft experts in the areas of Microsoft .NET developers, Sharepoint and Biztalk experts. Although we proceeded energetically, we still had a few things to deal with. The Chamber of Commerce registered the wrong address and the Works Council had to be convinced of the business case. The wrong address, a building being demolished in a canal, did not help the image. For the first few years we functioned as a resource allocation center and in 2011 we got the outsourcing contract where eventually 3 of the intended 20 employees transferred to Addition (also called AKH in the corridors).
more professional!
With great enthusiasm and pleasure, we got to work and took care of application management for the mainframe for 10 years. One of the requirements was that we had to be ISAE3402 type II certified so our organization was soon faced with all kinds of audits that eventually resulted in us getting the certification. As we began working for other clients, it also seemed wise to obtain NEN4400 certification in order to better manage cash flow in connection with our intended growth.
During the first years we were housed on the Herengracht in the KAS BANK building on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal where our developers sat.Then we all sat together for a time in the Slegte building and then moved to Weesp. By now we have been in Weesp for about 5 years and are having a great time there. Since 2015, we have become an independent player in the market, providing services and solutions in Asset Management, Regulatory Reporting and KYC-CDD.
The world is in flux, from frequent working from home to slowly building the new normal. Some of it in the office and some of it from home with the result that social and personal contacts have resumed. Besides sponsoring the “Power against Duchenne” and “Tommy Tomato Foundation” initiatives, we decided to donate a tree at Christmas to our relations that comes from our Addition Forest” in Madagascar. This tree can be followed all the way virtually.
Happy People,
Higher Output
Over the past YEARS we have been working to raise the profile of our slogan Happy People, Higher Output”. We truly believe that if people are comfortable in their skin they come to greater performance which leads to less absenteeism and more enthusiasm. We therefore try to deploy as many colleagues as possible to our clients in this way. So we look not only at whether a colleague meets the knowledge and skills required but also at the fit with the client.
We are proud to celebrate our 15th anniversary and want to thank you tremendously for the pleasant and enjoyable cooperation and wish everyone very happy holidays and a very happy and healthy 2023, a new year with new opportunities for everyone! Also in 2023, we are your specialist in the financial sector.