Addition Knowledge House was founded at the end of 2007 and is a specialist in the financial sector. We provide recruitment, interim management and regulatory solutions for our clients; banks, insurers, pension funds and administrators, asset managers and custodians. We have 80 employees with knowledge and experience within the sector in the field of Financial Markets, Accounting, Reporting, Investments, Risk or IT.

Partly because Addition has also been managing the mainframe of a bank/custodian since 2007, we have been ISAE3402/II certified for 13 years. And since last year we also have the NEN4400 certification. Since 2011, Addition has been active as a specialist in the field of legislation and regulations. We regularly organize seminars on MIFID II, EMIR and AIFMD in DNB’s communication center.

Since the regulators tightened up the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act (Wwft) on 25 July 2018, we have specialized even more.
What exactly did this law entail and what could we as specialists do to be of even more added value.

What has Addition done in the field of CDD/KYC/AML?

Addition started 3 years ago with expanding its candidate network on a large scale to meet the demands of its clients. This has resulted, among other things, in mediating CDD and AML specialists at two large banks. We work with both experienced specialists and students. In addition, we have completed a project exclusively for a broker. The project involved 8 CDD specialists.

What can we do in the field of CDD

  • We can deploy our experienced CDD specialists to support the departments and, if necessary, supplement them with students who can be supervised by these specialists.
  • We can tackle it on a project basis and completely unburden the department.
  • Our regulatory software can be used to set up a thorough customer profile monitoring. We have built various regulatory solutions in Python.


We currently expect that insurers and investment institutions will also receive the attention of the AFM. Given our experience at banks, combined with our many years of experience in asset management, we can offer the right knowledge and expertise for these insurers and investment institutions.

For more information about Addition and our working method, please contact or 020-7884230 or of course via our website